Blog tagged as CCMA

Can you ignore the CCMA?

07.08.23 10:01 AM By MJSC Pro - Comment(s)
Can you ignore the CCMA?
We all desperately wish that we can ignore a notification from the CCMA because one of our employees, who by the way was legally and procedurally dismissed, has decided that the term CCMA refers to “Come Come Money Available”!

We are here today to advice you to PLEASE not ignore the CCMA. They will g...

Overtime in a contract of employment EXPIRES

04.08.23 01:07 PM By MJSC Pro - Comment(s)
Overtime in a contract of employment EXPIRES
I must admit, that as a Labour Law Specialist, even this Labour Court outcome caught me by surprise, and I did not think that I would be so overwhelmed with more questions than answers.

The Labour Court released (13 February 2023) the outcome of a 5-year case between AMCU v Andru Mining (Pty) Ltd, in...